Should have searched first. I just posted this in /etc :
Am I the only one getting intermittent 502 Bad Gateway errors on the forum?
Could be a passing error fixed by a refresh, or it could persist for ~18 hours. I've tried my home network, 4G, remote proxy from the Northern Hemisphere. I've tried Windows, MacOS, Linux & iOS. I've tried Firefox, Safari & IE.
Heck, I got a 502 trying to post this. The second time around I composed it in a text editor and pasted it in so I don't lose it *again*.
It's been going on for months. Am I the only one seeing it?
Still happening frequently.
Am I the only one getting intermittent 502 Bad Gateway errors on the forum?
Could be a passing error fixed by a refresh, or it could persist for ~18 hours. I've tried my home network, 4G, remote proxy from the Northern Hemisphere. I've tried Windows, MacOS, Linux & iOS. I've tried Firefox, Safari & IE.
Heck, I got a 502 trying to post this. The second time around I composed it in a text editor and pasted it in so I don't lose it *again*.
It's been going on for months. Am I the only one seeing it?
Still happening frequently.
Statistics: Posted by BradC — Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:36 am